Celebrations and Accomplishments!!
St. Edward's Westport
Tree planting ceremony to celebrate to clebrate their 100th Anniversary!
Bay of Quinte East Central Region UCW Annual Meeting
I attended the ‘Bay of Quinte East Central Region UCW Annual Meeting’ today, April 19th at Emmanuel United Church in Foxboro. I brought greetings from the Kingston Diocesan Council of The Catholic Women’s League of Canada.
In the picture, left to right:
- Maureen Sills, ACW Diocesan President
- Margaret Curtis, Bay of Quinte UCW Regional President (outgoing)
- Cheryl Mound, Bay of Quinte UCW Regional President (in coming)
- Lyne Tuepah, CWL Kingston Diocesan President
Score one for Ecumenism!
Erinsville 90th Anniversary Celebration
On October 30, 2022, St. Charles Borromeo CWL had their first event, Soup Luncheon, since COVID. Great work!
100th Anniversary - St. Francis Xavier CWL parish council in Brockville turned 101 this year. On October 5th, Diocesan President Lyne Tuepah presented Council President Peggy Brand with an anniversary certificate. Congratulations ladies! #cwlsisterhood
On September 12th, St John the Evangelist CWL in Gananoque celebrated 90 years as a parish council starting with Mass, said by Father Dale Wright, followed by lunch and service pin presentations. Diocesan president Lyne Tuepah was on hand to give a congratulatory certificate, presented to parish president, Johanne McReynolds.
On September 11th, St Edward the Confessor CWL in Westport had their long awaited celebration for 100 years as a parish council. After the 11 o’clock Mass, said by spiritual advisor Father Cyprian Ihedoro, they gathered for lunch at The Cove. There were service pin presentations and a tribute to all the past presidents of the council. Diocesan President Lyne Tuepah, Life Member / Past Provincial President Anne Madden and Westport Mayor Robin Jones brought greetings.